Answers Ref-1
Chapter 10
Q1) What are the fundamental requirements of Automatic landing?
In order to achieve safe landing the aircraft has to be So controlled that:
1) its wheels should touch the ground comfortabliy
2) its should be within the paved surface of the runway
3) its should be with in the longitudinal limits
4) its sinking speed should not be greater than 1/2 ft/sec
5) its touch-down speed should be greater 30% of stalling speed
6) Wings should be levelled prior to the actual landing
7) its should be yawed to bring is longitudinal axis parallel to the center line of runway
8) its de crabbing or Kick-off man-oeuvre should be removed
Q2) What is the minimum accident of acceptance in UK-CA?
According to United Kingdom Certification Authorities A system should not cause fatal accident more often than one million landings.
Q3) What is weather minima and its parameters?
In low visibility condition the weather limits for londing its called weather minima & its parameters are
Runway Visual Range(RVR) & Decision Hight(DH).
Q4) What is "Sland Visual Range (SVR)"?
The factor in which the pilot must take an account or makes sure everything to avoid any misinterpretation of visual cues
Q5) What are ICAO categories of Landing.Give name & Ranges?
There are three categories of landing defined by ICAO and given as under:
Category 1 (RVR should & DH should be minimum 800m & 200 ft Respectively).
Category 2 (RVR should & DH should be minimum 400m & 100 ft Respectively).
Category 3A (RVR should & DH should be minimum 200m & 50-100ft Respectively with external NavAids).
Category 3B (When the taxiing operations is visible at 50ft DH with external NavAids).
Category 3A (When the taxiing operations is visible on runway at 50ft DH without external NavAids)
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